GAHP is a collaborative body of over 70 members and dozens of observers that works through our network of international and national level agencies to apply a multi-sectoral approach to addressing the global pollution crisis and its resulting health and economic impacts.
Recognizing the need to use a multi-stakeholder approach for addressing pollution and its health impacts and putting it on the global agenda as a priority issue, GAHP was formed by Pure Earth in 2012. The Alliance was started with representatives from The World Bank, UNEP, UNDP, UNIDO, Asian Development Bank, the European Commission, and Ministries of Environment and Health of many low and middle-income countries (LMICs) to formulate strategies to address pollution and health at scale. GAHP was incorporated as a foundation in 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland.
Today, GAHP works across the globe, assisting low- and middle-income countries in prioritizing health outcomes by addressing pollution through its Health and Pollution Action Plans (HPAPs), solutions planning, and resource mobilization. GAHP equally focuses on building public, technical, and financial support to increase awareness of pollution, promote scientific research, and track progress around it.
We aim to improve health by addressing all forms of toxic pollution in air, water, soil, and chemical waste.
These efforts will contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals related to pollution, particularly on Health (Targets 3.4 and 3.9)
Create a world where present and future generations are safe from toxic pollution
Agences Bilatérales
4Agences Internationales/ Multilatérales
25Institutions Académiques
A robust and collaborative response to toxic pollution
We are a collaborative body of more than 70 members and dozens of observers that advocate for resources and solutions to pollution problems.